[Postfixbuch-users] Postfix/LDAP query_filter

Marc Risse risse at citkomm.de
Di Jan 14 11:58:30 CET 2014

Hi at all,

my ldap-users have two ldap attributes where their mail addresses and 
aliases are stored in (mail=user at foo.org and 
gosaMailAlternateAddress=user at bar.org).

unfortunately the domains are mixed between the two attributes:

User1: mail=user1 at foo.org and gosaMailAlternateAddress=user1 at bar.org
User2: mail=user2 at bar.org and gosaMailAlternateAddress=user2 at foo.org

everything works fine with this query_filter for virtual aliases in postfix:

query_filter = (&(objectclass=gosaMailAccount)(|(mail=%s)(gosaMai 
result_attribute = uid, memberUid

now my problem:
I want to split the two domains to two different mailserver, the old one 
with the old domain @foo.org and a new server with @bar.org. So, if a 
mail arrives at the old server with bar.org-domain, it should be relayed 
to the new server. but the virtual-checks are very early in the 
postfix-stack, so postfix finds always the bar.org domain and handles it 
as a local domain - even i removed bar.org from virtual_alias_domains.

how can I change the filter not to find any @bar.org domains?

i tried it with


and so on, but it doesn't work because the filter always finds an entry 
with bar.org and the result (uid) returns.  I need something like "grep 
-v" after  the query and clean up the result ...

any ideas?

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