[Postfixbuch-users] Welcher greylisting-Daemon

Gregor Hermens gregor at a-mazing.de
Fr Sep 22 08:38:02 CEST 2006

Hallo Christian,

Am Donnerstag, 21. September 2006 23:14 schrieb Christian Boltz:
> So, letztenendes habe ich mich für SQLgrey entschieden. Ausschlaggebend
> war u. a. die leicht abweichende Funktionsweise im Vergleich zu gld:
> - gld schaltet nach erfolgreichem Greylisting das Triple aus
>   Sender-Adresse, Sender-IP und Empfänger-Adresse frei
> - SQLgrey schaltet Sender-Adresse und -IP unabhängig von der
>   Empfänger-Adresse frei - es landen also weniger Mails in der
>   Warteschleife.
> Quelle: http://www.wibble.co.uk/archives/postfix/2004/oct/msg00791.html

die Information ist 2 Jahre alt, GLD kann das seit längerem auch: Option 
MXGREY in der /etc/gld.conf.

# Shall we use the mxgrey algorithm ? (0=No,>0=Yes) (default is 0)
# the mxgrey algorithm is a variation of the greylist algorithm.
# When this is enabled, we allow all incoming mails from an IP address
# whatever source/destination email as long as this IP has been greylisted
# at least X time and succeded the mail resend .
# Example:
# The IP sends an email from src at domain.com to user at yourdomain.com
# We greylist this mail as this IP is not yet in database and send a 450 SMTP 
# After some time, the IP re-send the mail from src at domain.com to 
user at yourdomain.com
# We update the db.
# Some time after the ip sends an email from john at domain.com to 
fred at yourdomain.com
# We will accept this mail without any greylisting, as this ip already 
succeded a greylist test
# and thus seems to be a valid smtp server and not a spammer .
# The advantage of this method, is that it reduce the re-send time due to 
greylisting to
# x mail per server instead of one mail per destination .
# The value you provide in MXGREY is the minimum number of succesful greylists
# before accepting all mails from this MX. higher the number is, harder is to 
get in.
# This algortihm replace the old LIGHTGREYDOMAIN which was available prior 
version 1.6

    @mazing.de         fon +49 8142 6528665
  Gregor Hermens       fax +49 8142 6528669
Brucker Strasse 12  gregor.hermens at a-mazing.de
D-82216 Gernlinden    http://www.a-mazing.de/

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