[Postfixbuch-users] Spamassassin Headers with amavisd-new und Spamassassin <SOLVED>

Alexander Grümmer alex at actux.de
Mi Jul 5 14:07:57 CEST 2006


da ja lesen bekanntlich bildet hier eine kleine Zusammenfassung was ich
gefunden habe WIESO es nicht geht.

Wenn man den Spamassassin über das amavisd-new befüttert erlaubt das
Amavisd-new dem Spamassassin weder den Header noch den Body zu

Aus diesem Grund bringt es GARNIX die Einstellung dafür in der locals.cf
vom Spamassassin zu setzen.

Ich hoffe damit wir es auch anderen klar wieso es nicht geht und sie
müssen sich nicht mehr durch die Mailinglisten quälen. Gefunden habe ich
es unter der folgenden URL:



Q: SpamAssassin has configuration options to modify mail body and
header, but they seem to be ignored.

A: amavisd-new does not modify mail body or lets SA do it (with the
exception of defanging, introduced with amavisd-new-2.0). All mail
(header) editing is done by amavisd-new and not by SA. Even though SA
does observe options in its configuration file to rewrite mail body and
modify mail header, the result is purposely not used by amavisd-new.
There are two reasons for that: SA is only called once per message
regardless of the number of recipients, and secondly, to be able to
offer a guarantee the mail body will not be altered, This means the
per-recipient handling of mail relaying and header editing needs to be
done entirely in amavisd-new, as there are no provisions in SA to
analyze mail once and then prepare different modifications for different
recipients based on the same spam analysis. It is a tradeoff: speed for
multi-recipient mail versus the full per-recipient flexibility. It would
make no sense to fully duplicate the spamc/spamd functionality in
amavisd-new. If you need such features, just disable calling SA from
amavisd-new, and use the spamc/spamd or other back-end interface to SA.

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