[Postfixbuch-users] Fwd: rfc-ignorant.org End of an era

Ralf Hildebrandt Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de
Sa Sep 15 18:15:28 CEST 2012

> *Effective 9/30/2012* - All entries currently marked as "Listed" in the
> databases will be marked as "Deprecated", which will cause them to not
> generate DNSBL entries. This will, effectively, mean that lookups of any
> domain in our database will always return "false", i.e., "clean".

D.h. ab dann sind die Listen ausser Funktion und fressen nur CPU Zeit.

> *Effective 10/30/2012* - All sub zones will have their NS-set set to
> "localhost.rfc-ignorant.org <http://localhost.rfc-ignorant.org>", with
> lengthy TTLS, which will direct all DNS traffic back onto the server
> requesting it.

Ab dann sollte man sie dann wirklich aus der Konfig genommen haben
(dann kriegt man SERVFAILs).

> *Effective 11/30/2012* - The root NS set for "rfc-ignorant.org
> <http://rfc-ignorant.org>" will be deleted entirely, preventing any
> resolution

Ab dann gibt's sicher interessante Fehler im Log.

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  Campus Benjamin Franklin
  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
  ralf.hildebrandt at charite.de | http://www.charite.de

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