[Postfixbuch-users] Outlook braucht ewig zum Versenden

Mathias Jeschke postfixbuch-users at gmj.cjb.net
Do Jan 19 10:17:34 CET 2012

Am 19.01.12 10:10, schrieb Andre Tann:

>> Das ist typisches Verhalten von Outlook 2003 (und davor), wenn versucht
>> wird, STARTTLS zu sprechen. Wir empfehlen und nutzen für Outlook < 2007
>> immer den 465 mit SSL (also impliziertem TLS).
> OK, dann ist da die Situation schon mal klar. Wie ist für 465 der
> Eintrag in der master.cf sinnvollerweise?

Reicht der default nicht?

> # Modern SMTP clients communicate securely over port 25 using the STARTTLS command.
> # Some older clients, such as Outlook 2000 and its predecessors, do not properly
> # support this command and instead assume a preconfigured secure connection
> # on port 465. This was sometimes called "smtps", but such usage was never
> # approved by the IANA and therefore conflicts with another, legitimate assignment.
> # For more details about managing secure SMTP connections with postfix, please see:
> #   http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html
> # To read more about configuring secure connections with Outlook 2000, please read:
> #   http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q307772
> # Apple does not support the use of port 465 for this purpose.
> # After determining that connecting clients do require this behavior, you may choose
> # to manually enable support for these older clients by uncommenting the following
> # four lines.

smtps     inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
  -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
  -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
  -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING


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