[Postfixbuch-users] Postfix und crm114

Thomas Wegner thomaswegner at gmx.net
So Feb 11 21:10:32 CET 2007

Am Montag, den 05.02.2007, 22:54 +0100 schrieb Sandy Drobic:

Hat ein Weilchen gedauert, aber ich hatte nicht so viel Zeit. Jetzt bin
ich jedenfalls weiter und habe das script nochmal neu geschrieben.
Irgendwo war wirklich ein Haken drin.
Die Mails werden jetzt von postfix korrekt an crm114 gepiped. Leider
tritt dann aber beim Abarbeiten der mailfilter.cf ein Fehler auf.
Folgendes steht im syslog:
Feb 11 20:52:26 localhost postfix/pipe[30105]: 9C8A785CA:
to=<tommi at localhost>, relay=crm114, delay=17530, delays=17528/1.3/0/0.2,
dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command
output:  /usr/bin/crm: *ERROR*    Can't CALL the nonexistent
label:  :load_cf_file:  Sorry, but this program is very sick and
probably should be killed off. This happened at line 118 of
file /etc/crm/mailreaver.crm The line was:  --> call /:load_cf_file:/
[:*:fileprefix:mailfilter.cf]  CRM114 failed )

Selbst wenn ich als root folgendes ausführe, tritt der Fehler auf:
root at chef:/home/tommi # crm /etc/crm/mailreaver.crm 

crm: *ERROR* 
  Can't CALL the nonexistent label:  :load_cf_file:
 Sorry, but this program is very sick and probably should be killed off.
This happened at line 118 of file /etc/crm/mailreaver.crm
The line was: 
--> call /:load_cf_file:/ [:*:fileprefix:mailfilter.cf]
Das Verzeichnis /etc/crm ist für den user filter mit vollen Rechten
versehen und die Dateien für alle les- und schreibbar.
drwxr-xr-x 181 root   root     12288 2007-02-11 21:00 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 filter root       285 2007-02-10 14:43 allmail.txt
-rw-rw-rw-   1 filter users        0 2007-02-01 20:07 blacklist.mfp
-rwxr-xr-x   1 filter users     1606 2006-07-08 04:48 classifymail.crm
drwxrwxr--   2 filter users     4096 2007-02-10 13:12 crm
-rw-rw-rw-   1 filter users    16750 2007-02-10 11:33 mailfilter.cf
-rwxr-xr-x   1 filter users    44517 2006-07-13 01:55 mailfilter.crm
-rwxr-xr-x   1 filter users    14063 2006-07-08 04:48 maillib.crm
-rwxr-xr-x   1 filter users    21081 2007-01-17 19:16 mailreaver.crm
-rwxr-xr-x   1 filter users    37333 2007-01-17 19:17 mailtrainer.crm
-rw-rw-rw-   1 filter users 12582924 2007-02-01 20:06 nonspam.css
-rw-rw-rw-   1 filter users        0 2007-02-01 20:07 priolist.mfp
drwxr-xr-x   8 root   root      4096 2007-02-10 11:35 reaver_cache
-rw-r--r--   1 filter root         0 2007-02-10 13:12 rewrites.mfp
-rw-rw-rw-   1 filter users        0 2007-02-01 20:07 rewrites.mfp_org
-rwxr-xr-x   1 filter users     1595 2007-01-17 18:52 rewriteutil.crm
-rw-rw-rw-   1 filter users 12582924 2007-02-01 20:06 spam.css
-rw-rw-rw-   1 filter users        0 2007-02-01 20:07 whitelist.mfp

Wenn ich statt mailreaver.crm mailfilter.crm nutze, passiert im Prinzip
das selbe.
Was läuft da falsch? An den Rechten kann es doch nicht liegen. Hab ich
was wichtiges übersehen?

root at chef:/home/tommi # crm /etc/crm/mailfilter.crm 

 Aw, crud.  mailfilter.crm broke.  Here's the error: 

crm: *ERROR* 
 For some reason, I was unable to read-open the file
named  :*:fileprefix:mailfilter.cf
 Sorry, but this program is very sick and probably should be killed off.
This happened at line 139 of file /etc/crm/mailfilter.crm

 ERROR: mailfilter.crm broke.  Here's the error: 
crm: *ERROR* 
 For some reason, I was unable to read-open the file
named  :*:fileprefix:mailfilter.cf
 Sorry, but this program is very sick and probably should be killed off.
This happened at line 139 of file /etc/crm/mailfilter.crm



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