[Postfixbuch-users] Doppelte Emails
Alexander Hochhalter
ah at ordix.de
Mi Apr 18 13:18:25 CEST 2007
Hallo zusammen,
ich frage dann anders:
Wie stelle ich Postfix auf NICHT parallele Bearbeitung um? ( so wie es
unten steht)
Postfix sends duplicate mail
Some people will complain that Postfix sends duplicate messages. This
happens whenever one message is mailed to multiple addresses that reach
the same user. Examples of such scenarios are:
* One message is sent to the user, and to an alias that lists the
user. The user receives one copy of the mail directly, and one
copy via the alias.
* One message is sent to multiple aliases that list the user. The
user receives one copy of the mail via each alias.
Some people will even argue that this is the "right" behavior. It is
probably more a matter of expectation and of what one is used to.
This can be "fixed" only by making Postfix slower. In the above
examples, Postfix would first have to completely expand all
distribution lists before starting any delivery. By design, Postfix
delivers mail to different destinations in parallel, and local delivery
is no exception. This is why Postfix can be faster than sendmail.
Alexander Hochhalter schrieb:
> Sandy Drobic schrieb:
>> Alexander Hochhalter wrote:
>>> Guten morgen,
>>> habe keine Lösung für folgendes Problem gefunden:
>>> /etc/postfix/aliases:
>>> adresse1: user1
>>> adresse2: user1, user2, user3, ...
>>> Sende ich eine Email An: adresse1, Cc: adresse2
>>> bekommt der user1 die zweimal.
>>> Beim Sendmail gibt es die Variable MeToo.
>>> Wie kann ich so was beim Postfix lösen?
>>> --------
>>> SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server
>>> VERSION = 9
>>> -------
>>> postfix-2.1.1-1.17
>>> ---------
>>> cyrus-imapd-2.2.3-83.35
>> Normalerweise sollte dies durch den default "duplicatesuppression: 1" von
>> Cyrus schon herausfallen.
> [root at syncronix:/etc/postfix] # grep dupli /etc/imapd.conf
> duplicatesuppression: yes
> [root at syncronix:/etc/postfix] #
> gruß0
> alex
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