[Postfixbuch-users] (OT) ClamAV-clamd) FAILED

Uwe Driessen driessen at fblan.de
Fr Apr 13 16:00:10 CEST 2007

> -----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Jim Knuth
> (!!)ask_av (ClamAV-clamd) FAILED - unexpected result:
> /var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070413T005640-32403/parts: lstat()
> failed. ERROR\n
> clamav gehört zur Gruppe amavis
> amavis:x:109:clamav
> und in der clamd.conf ist
> User clamav
> AllowSupplementaryGroups true
> eingetragen.
> Was läuft hier falsch? Ich habe schon Google und die Amavis Liste
> befragt, aber nur folgendes von M. Martinec erhalten:
> --snip
> The text: "lstat() failed. ERROR"
> was returned by a clamd as its response on the socket.
> Don't know what lead it to this error, seems like it
> could't access the file to be checked. Unfortunately
> it does not state the reason (errno) for a failure,
> it could be EACCES or ENOENT or something else
> (complain to ClamAV folks for an unhelpful diagnostics).
> Check the ownership and protection of a directory
> /var/lib/amavis/tmp/amavis-20070413T005640-32403/parts
> and all directories above it. Also check that clamd
> is really running as UID clamav and that it is using
> the config file you think it is using.
> --snap
> Owner ist amavis:amavis, clamd läuft als clamav und es gibt
> nur eine clamd.conf.
> Kann jemand auf dieser Liste helfen? Danke.

Keine Ahnung was da bei dir falsch geht ich habe hier schon immer Testing (jetzt sid,
vorher ETCH) laufen und diese Fehlermeldung noch nicht gehabt.


#Automatically Generated by clamav-base postinst
#To reconfigure clamd run #dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base
#Please read /usr/share/doc/clamav-base/README.Debian.gz for details
LocalSocket /var/run/amavis/clamd.ctl
FixStaleSocket true
User amavis
AllowSupplementaryGroups true
ScanMail true
ScanArchive true
ArchiveMaxRecursion 5
ArchiveMaxFiles 1000
ArchiveMaxFileSize 10M
ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio 250
ArchiveLimitMemoryUsage false
ArchiveBlockEncrypted false
MaxDirectoryRecursion 15
FollowDirectorySymlinks false
FollowFileSymlinks false
ReadTimeout 180
MaxThreads 12
MaxConnectionQueueLength 15
StreamMaxLength 10M
LogSyslog false
LogFacility LOG_LOCAL6
LogClean false
LogVerbose false
PidFile /var/run/clamav/clamd.pid
DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
TemporaryDirectory /tmp
SelfCheck 3600
Foreground false
Debug false
ScanPE true
ScanOLE2 true
ScanHTML true
DetectBrokenExecutables false
MailFollowURLs false
ArchiveBlockMax false
ExitOnOOM false
LeaveTemporaryFiles false
AlgorithmicDetection true
ScanELF true
NodalCoreAcceleration false
IdleTimeout 30
MailMaxRecursion 64
PhishingSignatures true
LogFile /var/log/clamav/clamav.log
LogTime true
LogFileUnlock false
LogFileMaxSize 0

Clamd rennt bei mir unter dem User Amavis

amavis    3993  0.1  9.6  64676 50012 ?        Ss   Apr12   1:58 /usr/sbin/clamd

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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Uwe Drießen
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