[Postfixbuch-users] Postfix hängt

Ralf Hildebrandt Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de
Fr Nov 11 09:36:13 CET 2005

* Patrick Hemmen <phemmen at gmail.com>:
> #
> # Postfix master process configuration file.  For details on the format
> # of the file, see the Postfix master(5) manual page.
> #
> # ==========================================================================
> # service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command + args
> #               (yes)   (yes)   (yes)   (never) (100)
> # ==========================================================================
> smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       2       smtpd -v -o
> content_filter=smtp:[]:10024

2? Bissel wenig. Tausche "2" durch "-"

Ralf Hildebrandt (Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de)          spamtrap at charite.de
http://www.postfix-book.com/                     Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
I have never seen anything fill up a vacuum so fast and still suck.
-- Rob Pike, commenting on the X Window System. 

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