[Postfixbuch-users] Verschieden Priorit äten

Jan Siml jsi at jules.de
Di Jun 3 12:54:25 CEST 2003

Hallo Nico,

> Was ist round-robin eigentlich? Ist mir schon oft untergekommen aber ich
> habe noch keine Definition gesehen.

"A round robin is an arrangement of choosing all elements in a group
equally in some rational order, usually from the top to the bottom of a
list and then starting again at the top of the list and so on. A simple
way to think of round robin is that it is about "taking turns." Used as an
adjective, round robin becomes "round-robin."

In computer operation, one method of having different program process take
turns using the resources of the computer is to limit each process to a
certain short time period, then suspending that process to give another
process a turn (or "time-slice"). This is often described as round-robin
process scheduling.

In sports tournaments and other games, round-robin scheduling arranges to
have all teams or players take turns playing each other, with the winner
emerging from the succession of events.

A round-robin story is one that is started by one person and then
continued sucessively by others in turn. Whether an author can get
additional turns, how many lines each person can contribute, and how the
story can be ended depend on the rules. Some Web sites have been created
for the telling of round robin stories by each person posting the next
part of the story as part of an online conference thread."




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